Monday, April 9, 2007

Autopsy of Sadness

I want to seize you by your throat
See if I could wrangle out the reason why
you hound me like a madman
I fumble for the knife of joy in my raiment
so that I could plunge it to your heart,
to the heart of sadness

Pulse pounding, overpowered
I grip the pen and try to bleed it
for thoughts, for words
Perchance, once I spew it
it will no longer threaten to choke me;
squeeze the life out of gladness and channel it
to the river of sadness

Blind in the dark
with only a sliver of hope
Hole in the night help me to see
as I flee to the waters
and sit in the sea of silence
My eyes are waterfalls flowing
to the bottom of sadness

1 comment:

Unknown said...

magaling! magaling! magaling!
(clap! clap! clap!)
bravo kapatid!